

Darwin, Charles

  1. A British naturalist of the nineteenth century. He and others developed the theory of evolution . This theory forms the basis for the modern life sciences. Darwin's most famous books are The Origin of Speciesand The Descent of Man .

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Darwin's ideas were later misrepresented by some social theorists, who developed the notion of Social Darwinism to justify practices such as child labor in nineteenth-century England.

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Example Sentences

Shortly before his death in 1882, Charles Darwin received a letter from a physician and classicist named William Ogle.

One of these heroes is an insect-loving contemporary of Charles Darwin, the other a crocodile-wrestling Steve Irwin acolyte.

In the same way, Charles Darwin developed a theory that eventually explained how to produce an eye without the help of miracles.

Charles Darwin, how was your theory of evolution received when you arrived at the Pearly Gates?

I put the matter to my friend Lionel Tiger, the Charles Darwin professor of anthropology at Rutgers.

The great English scientist, Charles Darwin, from this and other evidence, explained the theory of evolution.

In a poem, the well-known relative of the eminent Charles Darwin describes the various natural indications of coming storms.

The share he took in promoting it was second only to that of his life-long friend Charles Darwin.

Charles Darwin's grandfather on his mother's side was Josiah Wedgwood, one of the most versatile of men.

None have fought better, and none have been more fortunate, than Charles Darwin.



